
[Solved]Task Implementation Avltreemap Class Partial Implementation Class Given Public Class Avltr Q37106169

Task: Implementation of the AVLTreeMap class.
The partial implementation of the class is given below:

public class AVLTreeMap extends AbstractMap { private int n; private AVLTreeNode root; private AVLTreeNode NIL = new AVLTreeNode(); private AVLNodeComparator comp = new AVLNodeComparator(); public AVLTreeMap() { /* your implementation */ } public int size() {return n;} public boolean isEmpty() {return n == 0;} public Object get(Object key) { /* your implementation */ } public Object put(Object key, Object value) { /* your implementation */ } private void insertAVL(AVLTreeNode p, AVLTreeNode node) { /* your implementation */ } private AVLTreeNode rotateLL(AVLTreeNode p) { /* your implementation */ } private AVLTreeNode rotateLR(AVLTreeNode p) { /* your implementation */ } private AVLTreeNode rotateRR(AVLTreeNode p) { /* your implementation */ } private AVLTreeNode rotateRL(AVLTreeNode p) { /* your implementation */ } public Object remove(Object key) { return null; // remove is not required for this assignment } public String toString() { // return the key string sequence of this AVL tree nodes in the order of pre-order traversal }}


  1. Please make sure your program compiles, otherwise yoursubmission will not be graded and you will receive zero.
  2. Point deduction rule:
    1. Compile warning: 3 points each.
    2. Minor error: such as not meeting the assignment input/outputrequirement, 5 points each.
    3. Major error: examples include, infinite loop, runtime errors,any runtime exception, 15 points each.
    4. Any code not compliant to the assignment requirement (e.g., notusing AbstractMap class) will not be graded and you will receivezero.
  3. Complete the AVLTreeMap class as we discussed in thelectures.
  4. You have to complete all the necessary methods declared in thetemplate.
  5. You may add your own private method if necessary.
  6. The remove method is not rquired.
  7. Your implementation has to follow the specification given. Anyother implementation will not receive any credit.
  8. Test: write a test program that inserts all Cleveland Indians’players in  roster.txt . Then print the AVL tree nodes inthe order of pre-order traversal. A sample output is shown below:Totally 30 playersHand–Cimber–Bieber–Bauer–Allen–Bauers–Carrasco–Edwards–Clevinger–Goody–Haase–Perez–Lindor–Kluber–Kipnis–Moroff–Martin–Luplow–Mercado–Olson–Naquin–Otero–Ramirez–Plutko–Plawecki–Santana–Salazar–Wittgren–Stamets–Zimmer–

Classes that support the assignment are asfollow:

public class MapEntry {
private String key;
private String value;
public MapEntry() {
this(null, null);
public MapEntry (String k, String v) {
this.key = k;
this.value = v;
public String getKey() {
return key;
public String getValue() {
return value;
public void setKey(String key) {
this.key = key;
public Object setValue(String value) {
String old = this.value;
this.value = value;
return old;
public int HashCode() {
if (key == null)
return 0;
int h = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < key.length(); i++) {
h = (h << 5) | (h >>>= 7);
h+= (int)key.charAt(i);
return h;

public abstract class AbstractMap {
public abstract Object get(Object key);
public abstract Object put(Object key, Object value);
public abstract Object remove(Object key);
public abstract boolean isEmpty();
public abstract int size();
public abstract Iterable keySet();

public class AVLTreeNode extends MapEntry{
private int height;
private AVLTreeNode parent;
private AVLTreeNode left;
private AVLTreeNode right;
public AVLTreeNode(){
public AVLTreeNode(String key, String value){
height=0; parent=null;
private int max(int l,int r){
if(l<r) return r;
return l;
public AVLTreeNode getleft(){return left;}
public AVLTreeNode getRight(){return right;}
public AVLTreeNode getParent(){return parent;}
public int getH(){return height;}
public void setLeft(AVLTreeNode l){left=l;}
public void setRight(AVLTreeNode r){right=r;}
public void setParent(AVLTreeNode p){parent=p;}
public void setH(){height=max(left.getH(),right.getH());}
public int calBF(){
return this.right.getH()-this.left.getH();


import java.util.Comparator;
public class AVLNodeComparator implements Comparator {
public int compare(Object a,Object b){
String aa=((AVLTreeNode)a).getKey();
String bb=((AVLTreeNode)b).getKey();
if(a==null&&b==null)return 0;
else if(a==null)return -1;
else if(b==null)return 1;
int size=Math.min(aa.length());
for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
return -1;
else return 1;
return 0;
else if(size==aa.length()) return -1;
return 1;

Expert Answer

Answer to Task: Implementation of the AVLTreeMap class. The partial implementation of the class is given below: public class AVLTr… . . .


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